Sunday, January 18, 2015

Dirty Santa - December 2014 - Trinity Young Professionals

Great night of fun!  Presents under the tree - $10 or less . . .
At the end of the night, I was the new owner of a jar of homemade hot chocolate mix and two miniatures of Baileys - YUMMY!
At the end of the night, Mark was the proud owner of a chia pet which he re-gifted on Christmas morning to our son, Glenn!!  (shhh!)
At the end of the night, Julie Lynn was the proud new owner of a Guy Fieri skillet with the words, "love, peace and taco grease" written on the inside of the skillet (I bought that and thought it was too cute!)
Mark wrapped up a set of car keys for a brand new car . . . that just happened to be sitting somewhere totally smashed to smithereens . . but it was a brand new car!  He had added a bottle of wine and his motto was that you could indeed "drink and drive" safely because those car keys weren't going to get you anywhere!
I can't remember what Laura had at the end of the night - maybe a bottle of wine??
We had some fun gifts!!

That is Hunter in the tacky Christmas sweatshirt and Santa hat.  I kept seeing him out of the corner of my eye and I kept thinking to myself, "Santa is here!"

Maybe Julie Lynn didn't end up with the cute skillet after all . . .here she is opening another present!!

A good time was had by all (I think!!).  I can't imagine our lives without this group of young adults.  So many of them have become "our kids" - we enjoy our Tuesday nights so much!

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